Learning Bezier Curves in Zawadi Yetu

We teach graphic design with a vector editor called Inkscape. Vector editors like Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator have too many features to teach in one class. Now I’m introducing students to the bezier tool. The bezier tool is how you normally make curves, but you can also use it to trace images.
I try to teach students new things in a way that’s motivating to them. So when I teach the bezier tool, I first demonstrate how to trace a picture of a teddy bear with the bezier tool. Then I ask the students what they would like to trace.
In one of our schools, Zawadi Yetu, there is a 5th grader named Brian Ogutu. Ogutu’s favorite cartoon character is called Ghekko. Ogutu says that Ghekko is his favorite because he’s brave and strong.
So in graphics class today, Ogutu found a picture of Ghekko on google. After pasting it into his Inkscape working space, he traced his favorite cartoon character using the bezier tool. By the end of class, he had created a really nice drawing.
About The Author

Irene teaches the introductory lessons to graphic design. She explains how students can use Inkscape to create vector graphics.