Aspiring Artist at Barina Primary

Inkscape is one of the specialties in Techlit Africa.This is where artists practice their talent's using various shapes,spirals and different colours to draw and sketch all kinds of shapes.
Victor Lokaman, a grade 6B kid since vectors class was introduced to them, he was so cooperative and ready to learn new ideas. Artist being his dream career,he was lucky enough to practice using inkscape techniques.
During holiday break he used A6 exercise book to drew a very attractive pictures having a plan to transfer it to practical during his inkscape lesson.Here some of his pictures.
I was so impressed to see his progress and passion.I believe next time he will do marvelous and colourful designs.

About The Author

Stanley is a community developer by profession, and a freelance writer on the side. At Techlit Africa, Stanley has been a school lead educator for many schools, including Logiri Primary and Barrina Primary in and around Mogotio, Kenya.