Updated August 3, 2022
Secure Offline Internet Accounts for Primary Schools

Digital Literacy in Mogotio Primary

First published on June 20, 2022
Portrait of Lucy Koi in a red dress doing a heart pose
Lucy Wangoi
Specialist Educator

Digital Literacy Required

Last week, a fourth grader named Fortune in Mogotio Primary school, was struggling to open his Social account because he did not know how to spell his name. I wrote his name down on a piece of paper and placed it on his desk so that he could refer to it while typing. I returned to Mogotio this week to review their Internet Skills introduction. Fortune has really improved.

Breakthrough Skills

Now, Fortune he can even log into his account on his own. Today, he really amazed me as he drew six different designs on Inkscape vectors and saved all of them successfully during their lessons. Teaching them how to save their work has been a hard task, especially for Grade 4, but Fortune has really motivated the students.

About The Author

Portrait of Lucy Koi in a red dress doing a heart pose
Lucy Wangoi
Specialist Educator

Lucy is our internet skills and touchtyping specialist.