Sharing Computer Games in Saint Mary's

One day this week, a Class 2 student was trying to unlock a level in Super Tux Kart, but I realized she didn't know how to progress from one level to the next.
So I sat with her to teach her how to win keys and move to the next level. When I was in the process of teaching her, she kept asking me, “hizi kifuli ni za nini”, then I went on answering her question. I explained to her in kiswahili so that she could understand better.
The next day, which was on Tuesday, the girls came to me and said she wanted to try the game. She was playing on the previous day, then the girl put the game on herself and started playing.
Surprisingly the girl unlocked all the levels that were there then he called me, “Teacher Nimefungua kifuli zote.” I was like wow, this is great!
Then I requested the rest of the pupils to clap for her so that she can do better than that the next session. The girl was very happy and excited. She was telling other kids that, “kumbe nawafunza” in the next lesson.
About The Author

Milka is our school lead educator in Saint Mary's Primary in Mogotio, Kenya.