The Magic of Specialty Projects

The Secret to Effective Learning
Students who are intrinsically motivated are excited to be in class, they're hungry to learn more, and they think about class when they're out of school. Creating intrinsic motivation is like lighting a fire that burns long after class is over.
Effective learning happens when a student is intrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation is like doing math problems because you find beauty in universal truth. Extrinsic motivation (the opposite), is like doing math problems because your teacher wants you to know what a polynomial is.
Safeguarding in The Computer Lab
TechLit classes create intrinsically motivated students from day one. The first two weeks of class are spent becoming comfortable and confident at a computer. Kids play games, which makes computer class a fun and social environment, and builds self-confidence and peer-support.
When the novelty of computer class starts to wear off, the magic truly begins. TechLit Africa employs specialists who tour schools lighting the spark of intrinsic motivation everywhere they go.
Specialist Educators
Specialist educators are passionate role models who are obsessed with one specific skill. Specialists introduce the basics of a specific skill, from music production using a DAW to business lessons using spreadsheets.
The magic of specialties is that students get a role model they can relate to who is successful at whatever they're learning. This is a key to building self-efficacy called "vicarious experience."
Project-Based Learning
When a student goes home from a specialty lesson, they are thinking of a project for the next class. Project-based learning enables students to take ownership. It forces students to plan, reflect, troubleshoot and flex their internet skills.
Specialty projects intrinsically motivate students to complete difficult tasks, which cause "mastery experiences" (another key to building self-efficacy).
Unlocking Global Opportunity
TechLit classes are designed to unlock global opportunity. We build troubleshooting, internet skills and self-efficacy because that is what's required to thrive online. The secret to achieving those outcomes is intrinsic motivation.
About The Author

Tyler Cinnamon is a American programmer and entrepreneur. He started TechLit Africa with Nelly Cheboi in 2018 to disrupt poverty with used IT devices.